filk written by
Billy Hicks and
Mashibinbin in 2005, and based upon the lyrics of 'All I Want For Christmas Is You', a hit for Mariah Carey in the 1990s. Recorded by
Sing Back Knightmare in 2007, it was released on Christmas Eve of that year.
Knightmare Discussion Forum members who contributed vocally to the recording are:
Drassil (
Pooka (who produced it), Kieran, #37 Herbie (Gary), (Madmog)Sue and two of the lyricists, Darren and Billy.
![[Related Image]](/components/com_legacy/code/images/lexicon/cache/pooka.ezri.mine.nu/wallaid/index_files/image004.jpg)
The song also includes audio clips from
Knightmare itself. It begins with part of
Series 4's unpopular
Christmas scene (featuring
John Woodnutt as
Merlin). This offers continuity with
Wall Aid 11's song, which ended with a clip of the same moment. All I Want Is Knightmare To View also contains the spelling-out of "Knightmare", taken from actual
spellcasting and
dispelling heard on the programme. This breaks down as follows:
"K" - from
"N, I" - from
"G, H, T" - from
"M, A" -from UMASARI,the 1st dispelling of
"R, E" - from the second spellcasting of
Pooka gave a live solo rendition of All I Want Is Knightmare To View as part of his Pookie K's Amusing Acoustic Atrocities concert in April 2010.
[This article takes the
Lexicon's Definitions total to 900.
Earlier version: 2007-12-27 21:49:22]
Provided By:
David, 2018-12-15 13:27:10